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American Grower Resource

Agriculture Sheet Metal Company

DeWys Metal Solutions’ company, American Grower Resource, has been supporting and building products for the agriculture industry for over 20 years. These grow racks serve as a transportation unit for products from greenhouses and growers to their final destination. Our expertise as a US agricultural metal fabricator makes us a trusted partner for farmers and agricultural businesses seeking high-quality, durable solutions.

Metal Fabrication For Agricultural Products

Grower Rack Custom Metal Fabrication Company

Our Company History

The “Grow Rack” manufactured by American Grow Rack was first introduced to the greenhouse market 20 years ago. Today, DeWys Metal Solutions has purchased American Grow Rack to launch American Grower Resource. DeWys Metal Solutions is a fabricated metal solutions supplier in Marne, MI.

Hog Feeders Now Available

American Grower Resource has one goal in mind: Leverage the knowledge of a manufacturer alongside the innovation of a products company. We are now advancing our agriculture product line with the addition of 2 and 4 hole hog feeders. Our hog feeders are twice as thick as competitors to combat abuse and outdoor conditions.

Hog Feeder Metal Fabrication Company

Agricultural Metal Fabrication Company

Knock-Down Carts:
Same Quality, Lower Cost

The American Grower Resource introduces an innovative grow rack designed for cost-effective efficiency without compromising on quality. Tailored specifically for the agricultural sector, these knock-down utility carts streamline the transportation of a variety of grower essentials.

Engineered for easy assembly and robust functionality, they offer a practical solution for moving plants, tools, and materials throughout greenhouses and farms. By combining durability with affordability, these knock-down utility carts provide a valuable asset to enhance operational efficiency, allowing growers to allocate resources more effectively elsewhere in their operations.

Request a Quote for Agricultural Metal Fabrication

Ready to reach out to our US metal fabrication company? We’d love to hear from you. American Grower Resource is your trusted manufacturer of grow racks, hog feeders, and other agricultural products. To request a quote for agricultural metal fabrication, please call (616) 677-5281 or fill out our online contact form.